FAQs for Potential BPOU Executive Committee Candidates

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What is a “BPOU?” Basic Political Operating Unit. It is the local party unit in a particular geographic area, such as a county, House or Senate District.

What is the purpose of a BPOU Executive Committee? To set the strategy, goals and direction of the BPOU, and ensure all key volunteers and elected BPOU leaders fulfill their responsibilities.

What positions are on the BPOU board?

  • BPOU Chair: Point of contact for BPOU, chairs monthly BPOU meetings, represent BPOU at monthly CD2 meetings, calls precinct caucuses and BPOU conventions
  • House Districts Chairs: Organize House District (working with precinct officer), attends monthly BPOU meetings, fill in for absent BPOU chair as needed, represent BPOU at monthly Congressional District meetings
  • Secretary: Records minutes at monthly BPOU meetings
  • Treasurer: Maintains financial records and files required reports, attends monthly BPOU meetings
  • House District Directors: Attends monthly BPOU meetings, other tasks as determined by Executive Committee
  • State Central Delegates/Alternates: Represent BPOU at State Central Committee (two meetings per year - spring and winter)

How long is the term? Two years

What are the major BPOU activities?

  • Monthly BPOU Meeting: Monthly meeting of the BPOU Full Committee (Executive Committee and precinct officers).
  • Precinct Caucuses: In even years, arrange precinct caucuses. Reserve location, promote, find and train conveners, prepare material, collect data and send it to CD2 and State Party.
  • BPOU Conventions:  Annually. Reserve location, send calls, prepare materials.
  • Outreach: One-on-one, events and , social media, and letters to the editor to reach new Republican voters, donors, and volunteers.
  • Fund-raising: Events and outreach to raise the money needed for all of the BPOU activities, and to donate to our endorsed candidates.
  • County Fairs: Find volunteers to reach out to potential voters and volunteers at county fairs.
  • Parades: Find volunteers to walk with candidates in parades. 
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