
They make this district stronger and we appreciate everything that they do. Whether you can commit to just a few hours a week or more, we'd like to hear from you!
We won great victories, but we have just begun.
We need your help speaking to neighbors, making phone calls, knocking on doors, distributing literature, and so much more.
We need your help now more than ever – especially in these areas:
- Write a letter to the editor
- Post to Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- Post video of an event to YouTube
- Assist with local parades and rallies
- Data Entry / Database / Management
- Mailings (envelope stuffing, labeling, etc)
Voter Outreach
- Fundraising
- Social Events (Meet & Greets, Picnics, Parades, etc)
Campaign Support
- Walk my neighborhood/area with the candidate
- Be a part of the lawn sign distribution team
- Have a candidate lawn sign on my property
- Host a fundraising/get-together (home/other) for candidate
- Drop candidate’s literature in my area
Or special skills you have (that you don’t even know were needed!)