Proposed 2024 Convention Rules

General March 13th, 2024

1. The order of business for this convention shall be as listed in the official agenda for the convention, subject to the discretion of the convention chair and the consent of the convention.

2. “Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority on all points not covered by the Constitution of the Senate District 55 Republican Party, the official call, or the rules as adopted by this convention.

3. Establishment of a quorum shall be as provided in the Senate District 55 Constitution (20% of eligible delegates), and once established no quorum call shall be in order.

4. These rules once adopted shall not be amended nor suspended except by a two-thirds vote of the convention or, as appropriate, a house district caucus for its caucus only.

Seating of Delegates and Alternates

5. The permanent roll of the convention shall be constituted as follows:

     a) The duly elected delegates of each precinct who have checked in, are present, and seated. 

    b) For the purposes of these rules, any future reference to delegates shall include delegates, and properly seated alternates. If any duly elected delegate to this  convention is absent, then a duly elected alternate for that precinct shall be seated in their stead.

     c) If no duly elected delegates or alternates from a precinct are present, that precinct shall have no representation. No cross seating shall be permitted.

     d)No elected delegate or alternate properly registered for a convention shall be denied his/her right to be seated at any time during a convention or separate house district caucus, except that no one shall be seated from the time any written ballots have been distributed until after such ballots have been collected.

     e) The order of seating alternates shall be as follows:

          1. If alternates are ranked by the precinct they shall be seated by rank.

          2. If no ranking is known they shall be seated by a majority vote of the seated delegates in that precinct.

          3. If no delegates are present and seated in that precinct the convention chair or their designee shall fill the vacancies from registered alternates present from that precinct.

6. The voting strength of each precinct shall be the number of delegates and seated alternates present at the convention.

7. The Credentials Committee shall report any known changes in the delegations prior to election of officers, election of delegates and alternates, endorsements, or when requested by the convention chair.  

Speaking and Floor Privileges

8. A delegate or seated alternate wishing to speak shall rise, address the presiding officer, and when recognized, state his/her name and precinct, and the purpose for which he/she arose.

9. Debate on any motion or subject shall be limited to (2) minutes by each speaker. No person shall be allowed to speak more than twice upon the same subject or issue. No person shall be allowed to speak a second time until all those desiring to speak have had a first opportunity to speak.

10. At least two speakers on each side of a question shall be afforded the opportunity to speak before a motion for the previous question shall be in order. This shall also apply to a motion “To Lay on the Table.” If no one else wishes to speak or, after two speakers on each side, the Chair may call for the vote.

11. The convention chair may, at any time after the first agenda item on convention committees invite distinguished guests (at the discretion of the chair) to address the convention for a period of no longer than five (5) minutes.

12. The convention chair shall appoint a timekeeper for the purpose of timing discussions and speeches during the Convention, and shall enforce all time limits equitably.


13. No elected delegate or alternate properly registered for a convention shall be denied his/her right to be seated at any time during a convention or separate house district caucus, except that no one shall be seated from the time any written ballots have been distributed until after such ballots have been collected.

14. Only registered delegates and registered seated alternates present at this Convention shall be permitted to vote.

15. The vote on all questions shall be by voice vote, except as follows:

         a) Division. A rising or hand vote shall be taken if requested by any delegate or seated alternate, or at the discretion of the convention chair.

        b) Voting for endorsement for State Representative, the election of a Senate District 55 Officer, and the election of delegates and alternates shall be by secret ballot for all contested contests. Voting for endorsement of candidates for state legislative offices and the election of party officer may be conducted by voice vote if candidates are unopposed.

         c) Voting method may be specified in writing for specific committee reports.

         d) To be valid, a ballot for election of delegates and alternates shall not exceed the number of delegate positions to be filled (28).

16. A minority report of any committee may be offered for substitution for the majority report if signed by one-third of the committee members.

17. Ballots will be distributed to and collected by the precinct chair or designee and returned to the Chief Teller, Credentials Chair, or designee.

18. Delegates and alternates to the Second Congressional District and State conventions, shall be elected by the convention body in its entirety.

19. When the ballots are verified by precinct (correct number returned according to the last credentials report) they will be co-mingled and then the results tabulated. If a written ballot is necessary for endorsement for State Representative, each candidate seeking endorsement shall be entitled to appoint one observer for the tabulation.

20.For election of Director to the Senate District 55 Executive Committee, the candidate receiving the most votes from each House District shall be elected. In the event of a tie for the Director position, the winner shall be determined by random lot.

Elections of Delegates and Alternates

21.For election of Second Congressional District and State Convention delegates, interested candidates should turn in the Self Nomination Form to the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall transmit all Self Nomination Forms deemed eligible not later than 10 minutes after the conclusion of the Agenda item for the Nominating Committee Report to the convention. Other nominations for Delegates and Alternates may be made from the floor, and require a second.

22. No speeches or presentations shall be in order at the time of nomination.

23. Once nominations are closed, nominating, seconding, and candidate speeches may be made. The order of speaking for candidates will be drawn by lot. All presentations on behalf of a candidate will be completed before proceeding to the next nominee.

The total time for all speeches in support of a nominee shall be as follows:

      a) Legislative Candidates – seven (7) minutes;
      b) Candidates for contested Senate District 55 Executive Committee Director position – three (3) minutes;
      c) Second Congressional District and State Convention Delegate candidates thirty (30) seconds

Endorsement for State Representative

1. For endorsement for State Representative, interested candidates (or their designee) shall meet with the Nominating Committee prior to the Nominating Committee Report. Other nominations may be made from the floor, and require a second. Only the delegates and seated alternates from the respective house district shall vote for that district’s endorsement.

2. No speeches or presentations shall be in order at the time of nomination.

3. Once nominations are closed, nominating, seconding, and candidate speeches may be made. The order of speaking for candidates will be drawn by lot. All presentations on behalf of a candidate will be completed before proceeding to the next nominee.

The total time for all campaign presentations and speeches to the convention floor will be as follows:

    a) Before the first ballot, seven (7) minutes;
    b) Before each subsequent ballot, three (3) minutes;

4. A 60% majority is required to win endorsement. After a second ballot, any candidate with less than 10% of the total vote will automatically be removed from consideration for endorsement. After the fourth ballot, and each subsequent ballot thereafter, any candidate with less than 15% of the total vote will be removed from consideration for endorsement.

5. If after the first ballot, and each subsequent ballot thereafter, no candidate has received the required percentage for endorsement, a motion of no endorsement and/or recommendation to reconvene and adjourn will be in order.

6. All ballots shall be destroyed within 30 minutes after adjournment of the convention.


25. Resolutions shall be limited to those proposed by the Resolutions Committee and shall be considered in the order of the blocks or topics contained in the Resolutions Committee report. An exception may be made if at least 15% of the seated delegates choose to remove a resolution from a block or topic for individual consideration. The remainder of the block or topic will then be voted up or down. Any exceptions will be considered individually after all other blocks and topics have been voted up or down.


26. A motion to adjourn shall not be in order until the official business of the convention, as stated in the agenda, is completed.

27. If one of the two House Districts is engaged in a contested legislative endorsement, the delegates from the other House District may be dismissed by the Convention Chair. In this event, no further Convention business shall be conducted following the conclusion of Agenda item #15.

Signage and Rules of Conduct

28. All signs shall be in the Convention Hall or at or near the entrance to the Convention Hall. All sign sizes, locations and method of attachment, must comply with the rules of the Convention host facility. Signs may be placed free-standing, but not be attached by any method to walls or doors. All signs must be removed within fifteen (15) minutes of the close of the convention and removed from the premises. No signs are allowed anywhere outside of the convention hall per host rules.

29. All campaign material must have the name of the candidate or delegate or alternate responsible for the materials.

30. If allegations are raised from the podium against a candidate seeking the convention’s endorsement, that candidate shall be allowed reasonable speaking time to respond to the specific allegations.

31. There will be no recording or filming inside of the convention. Still photography or filming within a limited scope will be permitted only with prior approval of the Senate District Chair or one of the House District Chairs. This is a private meeting, which may include press passes, and will include a press release of proceedings. Any filming, photos, or recordings without proper approval will have to be outside of the convention.